High arch support insoles. Should I listen to my podiatrist and pay $800?

High arch support insoles. Should I listen to my podiatrist and pay $800?

High arch support insoles. Should I listen to my podiatrist and pay $800?

So I've been having a lot of pain recently from my high arches. It feels like a sharp pain comes down through the ball of my foot and heel area. so far, I've tried the high arch insoles from tread labs, but I think there wasn't enough arch support there for my level of high arches. I also tried those little silicon balls from Amazon which you put over your arch. I normally try to go barefoot, but that's obviously not possible at work. I went to a podiatrist and he recommended I buy a pair from him for $800! That seems a little bit too much for something like an orthotic. Of course my insurance won't pay, so I'm out of pocket. He said it'll be the only way to get support, but I'm not too convinced there isn't anything else out there. Please Help! For the record, I'm wearing Hoka Bondi 7, and that is the shoe I'll probably stick with for now.

Matthew McConaughey is Mike Ditka. 02.09.25

Matthew McConaughey is Mike Ditka. 02.09.25

Town plan says there's a river on property but there isn't. Causing issues to sell land.

I have a piece of property that a river flows in front following the road, within 30 feet from the road and a river along the back of the property. The town map says the river doesn't go along the front but cuts up through my land diagonally. My surveyor confirmed there is no river doing this. This property was my grandparents and I know it well. The land is for sale now but buyers are deterred when they see a river going right through it on the town map. I have complained to the land planner but they're not doing anything. Their mistake is causing me sales of the property and may cause a reduction in value due to their mistake. What can I do?


Is reinforce bugged? Says 6 turns for my chariot but normally it takes only 5 turns.. thought supposed to be faster since it ignores terrain penalties. Was indeed the case for 2 MP movements wondering if it's because chariots are 3 MP and reinforce is assuming theyre 2?

Favorite FF member?

Hey guys! Wanted to just post a fun discussion post between fans to discuss our favorites. So who is your favorite fantastic four member and why are they your favorite? I’ll start. Mine is Ben. I love his design because I’m a sucker for characters like thing and hulk. It’s fun to me see a big character fight and do big stuff. I guess I have simple tastes. I’ve been continuing my comic journey as well and I’m on issue 7 of the 1961 run. I’m bringing this up to mention one of favorite moments where the fantastic four have to defeat namor. Thing straps a nuclear weapon to his back which completely caught me by surprise. He then proceeds to carry it into the stomach of the giant whale summoned by namor. He then fights his way through multiple smaller monsters in the stomach to place the bomb and detonate it. Badass. Huge fan and def my favorite issue so far. Anyways I appreciate you reading this and just want to express my enjoyment as a new FF fan. Have a good one

isolating subjects in a photo

hello! i'm trying to isolate subject from background. it is an old group photo in sepia tone, so a lot of colors are similar and select>subject and even lasso aren't working as well. eventually i got frustrated and duplicated the photo and just completely destroyed it by erasing the background manually (i know, not best practice). do any of you have tips on something like this?

Motor sound

I have no idea how to describe this, but when I open my door, and when I get out from a drive, I hear a motor run that sounds not right. Anyone happened to know what that is?

Game where you organize stuff*

Hey all, So I'm looking for a list of game ideas for a 9 year old boy who was playing really scary games (Dark Deception) and the family is asking for some help. The child mentioned "Games where you organize stuff." I saw A Little to the Left and wonder this might be a good option. I'm thinking any Lego title is probably good. Cost may be an issue, so while any suggestion is welcome, it's much appreciate for any free or cheaper titles, as well.

If your heart is broken and you lost her/him, read "Tokyo ya no nos quiere" (Tokyo doesn't love us anymore), by Ray Loriga (1999)

It's a book about a drugs salesman who got dumped by his wife as we follow his days in limbo selling and using drugs in a cyberpunk future. A quote that made me cry, is as follows (with context and no spoilers): \*the main character is in a clinic, having amnesia due to heavy drug usage and a doctor is asking him about how much he remembers or has forgotten about his life\*: \-What have I forgotten? Every prayer, my parent's names, the shadows of the trees next to my school gates, the soccer cup of 78, if I have ever been on a boat before, my bullet wounds if I ever even had them, my children if they even exist, their faces, the faces of a million women, for some reason not so many movies, but of course many of them, numbers, maybe an entire language, mornings, afternoons and evenings, the taste of many things and also the color of many things, hundreds of songs, hundreds of books, debts, favors, promises, addresses, threats, streets, beaches, docks, entire cities, I have forgotten Berlin, I have forgotten Rome, of course I have not forgotten Tokyo, I've forgotten yesterday, the day before that and of course I will forget today tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, tomorrow. What else have I forgotten? I have even forgotten about you my dear doctor, I have forgotten the garden, the pool and I have forgotten all the wounds on my hands and it pains me to say how much I have not forgotten *her.-*

Ash was pretty much a fighter

Portabilidade Nowo -> Digi

Portabilidade Nowo->Digi Boas a todos, visto ser uma situação que pelo menos ainda não vi ninguém referenciar, queria ver se alguém sabe como funciona e se podia ajudar. Em casa dos meus pais temos Nowo (NET 120/12, VOZ (que é raríiiissimo usar aquilo mas ya), TV (com cento e tais canais do qual 90% nem sabia da sua existência) e Móvel (4 telemóveis min e Sms nem sei bem quantos temos, nunca me faltaram, e 2GB dados móveis)... A parte aqui que interessa é o Móvel, pois, alguns anos depois o meu pai teve de adicionar outro número, para a minha irmã e para não estar a mexer no contrato (isto porque já é igual desde tempos da cabovisão e o preço é bastante bom pois passados anos e anos foram baixando o preço e oferecendo pequenas coisas), colocou no apartamento onde vivia antigamente Net (só) e adicionou um Móvel, apenas 1GB. Ora, estes números todos ficam basicamente 5 euros cada um, ou seja, passar de 2 gigas para ilimitado é um "no brainer" tendo em conta que o preço vai ficar o mesmo, e só ter a diferença de pagar sms a 1 centimo, é vantajoso... (Agora chegar ao ponto da cena, desculpem a história toda), seria possível, ao fazer portabilidade dos 4 números da casa principal, passar o número da minha irmã do contrato do apartamento e juntar os 5 números num? (O contrato do apartamento ficou como se fosse da minha mãe pois na altura a nowo tinha uma campanha de 25€ para cada lado se "sugerissemos" a nowo a um amigo, a minha mãe é amiga do meu pai :P ) FAQ (n me estava a deixar postar se n escrevesse isto??)

Giggleland x Minecraft is now complete.

I couldn't resist making these adorable fluffy friends. Look at them 🥺

Romi Bean KCNC Denver (2/6/2025)

Can we fix the Iron Citadel "1 Monster remains" bug please?

This is a known issue that has been reported repeatedly by many. It's getting really annoying as multiple Iron Citadels fail unfairly. But getting to the bottom of this, the one-life-per-map/one-life-per-atlas-node mechanics are the worst designs ever. I don't mind removing them completely (and I suppose most people don't either). But even if GGG wants to keep some kind of rogue-like gameplay, there are still so many better alternative designs: * Map survival bonus - if you die once, you don't get the survival bonus. Could be some sort of map points, could be random currency or gear drop. * League-removal punishment - if you die, the node is still traversable but the league mechanics are gone. * Map level punishment - if you die, the map node receives a "map level -1" debuff. And many debuff-like mechanics can be added as a punishment without affecting the traversability of the atlas map. TL;DR: GGG PLEASE remove the one-life-per-map/one-life-per-atlas-node mechanics. People hate them. Or at least consider replacing the latter with better design choices.

There's a reason why 180K+ global customers choose monday.com as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

There's a reason why 180K+ global customers choose monday.com as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

I pulled Mariota out of a RECRUIT BUNDLE

… the adrenaline made me forget a screenshot

Executive Order: White House Faith Office established

Church of Satan, I feel like this might be another time to shine…

Anybody here have experience with debt consolidation to pay of cc debt with One Main Financial?

Just drowning in debt totaling 15k across 3 cards. I applied for a loan with onemain financial and am currently pending. In the mean time I was curious about everyone's experience with this company if you've done it to pay off debts? I applied for an installment loan for 15k to cover my debts.


Anyone know how to make biltong safely? I really like the way it’s cut across the grain and super tender inside also the air dried is more my style. I’ve been eating the vacadillos scorpion pepper jerky it’s so good. But would love to make it fresh.

Worth anything?

Never really look at my money till I stumbled upon this subreddit and I found this but idk if it’s worth anything (not of of condition I’m probably gonna end up spending it anyway)

"> Never really look at my money till I stumbled upon this subreddit and I found this but idk if it’s worth anything (not of of condition I’m probably gonna end up spending it anyway)

N Want To Taste Human Cuisine!

Defend Press Freedom - Defend Campus Journalism

So long story short nagconduct yung student publication ng Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges ng survey dun sa position ng pagka-governor. And syempre yung result is di pabor kay LRV. Kaya hayan nagpalabas ng statement. Sabi nga sa comment section nung post "thank you for the clarification that nobody asked for" Baka magkaroon ng bigla ng budget cuts pag di tinanggal yung survey results. Camarines Sur pips gising!

[Serious] What is your Badge of Honor?

i got released from the pysch 2 months ago..

last year i was in the ward for 8 months bevause of my self harm and psychotic behaviour, which means i found humor and enjoyment from watching gore, constantly joking about suicide but never having intention to actually do it, and i dont think that there has been any change, i still sit watching people tear themselves up when im bored, and ive been trying to hide it because i dont wanna go back. since ive been acting normal but secretly watching it and harming myself they think the meds are working, and anxiety is building up because if they see my body or read my search history the i will have to go back, WHAT DO I DO DJEHEIDIFHJ????


Praying he’s just having an episode

"> Praying he’s just having an episode

I just wanna cry

Don’t worry Sony I didn’t wanna play on my evening off. Just take your time🥹

Is my calorie deficit too low?


Hi everyone! I’m on day 25 of 75 hard and I’ve been in a calorie deficit of about 1400-1500 calories a day. I weight about 115 lbs and I’m 5’4. Is this deficit too low?

I want to lose weight around my stomach because I have that “uterus pudge”. The whole “uterus needs protection with that fat” is a scam- a woman’s uterus is much lower than that. So many of my friends don’t have that pudge and having it makes me really insecure.

My boobs have pretty much dropped from a full 32c to a “empty” 32b. Obviously losing boobs comes with weight loss but I don’t want to lose all of them. Is the deficit I’m in too low? Will my body even change if I have a higher calorie intake than 1400 cals?

Please let me know what you guys think. I’m gonna attach a pic so you can see what I mean about the pudge around my stomach

"> F21 Hi everyone! I’m on day 25 of 75 hard and I’ve been in a calorie deficit of about 1400-1500 calories a day. I weight about 115 lbs and I’m 5’4. Is this deficit too low? I want to lose weight around my stomach because I have that “uterus pudge”. The whole “uterus needs protection with that fat” is a scam- a woman’s uterus is much lower than that. So many of my friends don’t have that pudge and having it makes me really insecure. My boobs have pretty much dropped from a full 32c to a “empty” 32b. Obviously losing boobs comes with weight loss but I don’t want to lose all of them. Is the deficit I’m in too low? Will my body even change if I have a higher calorie intake than 1400 cals? Please let me know what you guys think. I’m gonna attach a pic so you can see what I mean about the pudge around my stomach

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